Monday 10th October is World Mental Health Day. This is a day dedicated to spreading the message that it’s okay not to be okay, and to encourage all of us to talk.
The World Health Organization say that the objective of the day is to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to highlight efforts in support of mental health. Their message for today is to make mental health and well-being for all a global priority.
Mental health and staff absence
Work related stress is the most common absence in the UK, and last year more than 17.9 million working days were lost as a result of stress, anxiety or depression. The charity Mind conducted a recent survey which suggested that 2 in 5 employees found their mental health to have worsened since the COVID-19 pandemic.
Sadly, there are over 6,000 calls to Samaritans every day, and since the pandemic, the Construction Industry Helpline has seen a 55% increase in the number of calls they receive.
Promoting mental health in the workplace
So, let’s make sure that today and next week, next month and next year, we challenge the stigma and promote positive messages about mental health.
If you are an employer, the law requires you to prevent work related stress and to promote, support and sustain good mental health in the workplace. Spend the time to inform your staff about the subject and train those who are interested to become first aiders.
We have trained six members of our team as mental health first aiders and found it to be hugely beneficial to us as an organisation and we now deliver this training online to our customers.
Make sure that your commitment is being heard throughout the company and that your workplaces promote a positive mental health message. Taking these steps can help reduce sickness absence, boost morale and help improve productivity as a result.
If you are a construction related organisation, you could consider signing up to the Building Mental Health charter. THSP were amongst the first to sign the charter at its inception in 2018, since when it has gained more than 500 other signatories.
If you are feeling overwhelmed by all of this, remember that you are not alone, and that THSP are always happy to help.