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site visiting with THSP

Site Visiting.

Ensure your workers go home safely.

Successful businesses operate safely with site visiting.

By monitoring your workplaces regularly, you’ll not only fulfil legal obligations, such as Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations or CDM Regulations, you’ll be helping to ensure that risks are minimised, and your employees feel safer.

There are a range of challenges for any employer when implementing sensible health and safety, that have an impact on working arrangements. If you need some additional expertise at your workplace, THSP’s consultants are a fresh set of eyes that provide an overview of compliance, best practice, hazards, and risks.

Book a Site Visit

What are site inspections?

Site inspections are a snapshot of a construction site’s safety performance. During a site safety evaluation, your consultant will spot hazards and areas of non-compliance so that your workers go home unharmed and help you to avoid unwanted enforcement action from the HSE.

The report is easy to read, contains photos and is sent in real-time to site managers and stakeholders.

Reports are also uploaded to the Site Inspection tool in our customer portal, and reporting is available to help you identify trends.

We can also carry out site visiting at non-construction sites, such as factories, workshops, retail premises, offices, and more.

What to expect from THSP’s site visiting.

  • We’ll assess your needs.

We’ll talk through your requirements and assist where we are needed – from full time site cover, to risk assessments, to PAT testing and everything in between.

  • We’ll walk with you on your premises or site.

You’ll be matched to a dedicated consultant whose industry expertise is most suited to your needs.

Our consultant will the site with you or your senior representative and discuss the current situation as well as how the site will develop and look at your arrangements for keeping people safe.

We will review some of the relevant site documentation (and subcontractor’s documentation) and make constructive comments as necessary.

  • Receive your tailored documents or reports.

Actions and metrics from your visits can be viewed on THSP’s customer portal, MyTHSP.

  • Ongoing support.

THSP regard site visits as a collaborative exercise and not to police compliance. We are looking to help you and your staff establish positive working environments where productivity and safety go hand in hand, because without either the other fails. For this reason, we offer a toolbox talk at every visit to ensure that the reasons for our recommendations are understood by all.

Manage your site visiting outcomes with MyTHSP.

Following site visiting with THSP, our reports challenge you to improve your health and safety performance. You’ll have access to our customer portal and reporting system which allows you to:

  • View all your reports in one place
  • Monitor your safety reports from anywhere on any device
  • Check your actions are being completed by your site managers
  • Compare statistics on the safety of your sites
  • Get a geographical overview of where your sites need your immediate attention.
Take the tour

Why book a site visit?

The benefits of booking site visiting with THSP:

  • Receive dedicated face-to-face consultant time, whatever your unique requirements
  • Gain an independent, unbiased review of your site safety to discover where you can improve
  • Real-time reporting – reports are emailed to both customer and site manager at the time of the visit
  • THSP’s Action Management Hub – the ability to see any outstanding actions online and to close them out (and to upload evidence where required).
  • Toolbox talks are offered at every site visit – providing evidence of ongoing training (as required by Safety Schemes In Procurement)
  • Improve performance and productivity through better workplace practices
  • Foster a great safety culture within your organisation.

Site visiting that meets your needs.

During our initial conversation, we will work with you to determine what is needed. Whether it is a fire risk assessment for your construction site or premises, face fit testing, assistance with safety documentation or incident investigation we will make sure that you are matched with the right member of our team to deliver your needs.

Fire Risk Assessments (FRA)

A fire risk assessment is a careful look at your premises or construction site and the people working there, from a fire prevention perspective. It’s about understanding the potential risks, and then improving your fire safety precautions to keep your project safe.

Our competent assessors identify the potential fire risks for the site and the people working on it and provide recommendations.  They do this by walking the site with you and then completing a detailed report. This report, and a fire logbook to record inspections, is available on our customer portal, MyTHSP.

Face Fit Testing

Anyone who has to wear a tight or close-fitting mask for work. Face Fit testing ensures there are no leaks to the mask

THSP conduct fit tests in accordance with the HSE282/28 guidance. This includes carrying out the relevant pretesting inspections and tests.

Method Statements and Safe Systems of Work

A Method Statement details how a task will be carried out safely and is used on most Construction Projects.

You may be asked to produce a set of RAMS for a site, this is your Method Statements and associated Risk Assessments.

To compile your Method Statement, your dedicated consultant will talk through a number of items with you, including the project, people, responsibilities and emergency procedures.  This will allow them to build a picture of the works and advise on the sequence of works to be carried out.

CDM Support

Under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015), a construction phase plan is required for every construction project to make sure that the work is carried out without risks to health and safety.

Construction projects will have a better chance of running more smoothly, efficiently and profitably if hazards have been predicted, planned for and controlled from the outset.

THSP provides assistance to Contractors and Principal Contractors preparing Construction Phase Plans for construction projects.

Scaffold Inspections

Scaffold inspections are designed to detect any issues with scaffolding before and during use. Inspections must be regularly carried out if there is a risk of falling two metres or more under the Work at Height Regulations.

Your dedicated Account Executive will take some details prior to booking the inspection, such as the number of lifts and any special requirements.

Our scaffold inspectors consider a wide range of factors including the scaffolding design, the environment it’s being used in, the tasks the scaffolding is being used for, and any nearby hazards.

As a minimum, Our inspectors hold the  CISRS “Basic Inspection” card, and we will ensure that all inspections will be carried out by a competent person.

Traffic Management Plans

A traffic management plan establishes vehicle routing so that vehicles and access and egress a site safely. The law states that a construction site must be organised so that pedestrians and vehicles can move around the site safely.

THSP will assist you in creating routing plans and advise on the timings and restrictions of vehicle movements to create a traffic management plan as part of your site logistics evaluation.

Accident and Incident Investigation

Accident investigation is the process of collection and analysis of information relating to an accident that led to the loss of property, time or health of individuals, or loss of life. It is vital to the proactive management of health and safety.

If an accident occurs at your workplace, under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, you are legally required to investigate.

When an accident occurs on your site, a consultant will be diverted immediately to assist and support you, speaking to any witnesses and looking at any equipment involved. They will build a report that provides a complete picture of what happened, the root cause and how to prevent reoccurrence. They will also talk you through the RIDDOR requirements.

If you’re looking for an extra pair of hands or eyes to help with your site visiting requirements, get in touch with a member of our team today.

Book a Site Visit