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Stress Awareness & Management

Stress is something that can affect all of us – it’s something that can contribute to a great many illnesses, and more working days are lost due to stress than for any other single reason. Statistics show there are around 828,000 cases of work-related stress, depression or anxiety in Great Britain each year, with nearly 17.9 million working days lost. 

This online Stress Awareness & Management Training course has been designed for all levels of staff to complete in order to help them identify and prevent stress in the workplace. This course is suitable for all levels of staff including management and employers.

What you will learn:

  • Learn how to identify stress in yourself and in others
  • Learn how to effectively reduce and prevent stress with positive steps
  • Understand the mental and physical impact stress can have on an individual

Each person being registered must have their own email address to access purchased licences.

Assessment: Delegates must complete a multiple-choice test.

Certification: On successful completion of this course each delegate will receive a certificate.

Details Price Qty
eLearning - 1 License £25.00 GBP*  / bundle 
eLearning - 2-9 Licenses £22.00 GBP  
eLearning - 10-49 Licenses £20.00 GBP  
eLearning - 50-100 Licenses £15.00 GBP  

* price does not include taxes