Thursday 28 April marks World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2022. The day is observed each year on this date with the aim of preventing accidents and diseases within the workplace. It also focuses on promoting a culture of safety and health.
The International Labour Organisation (ILO) initially declared this day, aiming to reduce the occurrence of work-related accidents globally. As an awareness-raising campaign, it highlights emerging health and safety trends at work. In addition, it seeks to stress the significance of the role that occupational safety and health plays.
This year’s theme for World Day for Safety and Health at Work is ‘Act together to build a positive safety and health culture’. It encourages workplaces to build a strong health and safety culture where it is the task of each worker to contribute to a safe and healthy working environment.
On 28 April every year, different organisations advocating for better health and safety at work, including the United Nations, ILO and government bodies unite together to promote an international campaign of World Day for Safety and Health at Work.
While this national awareness day positively brings the matter of health and safety to the forefront of people’s minds, there’s a need for this to remain a priority for businesses, its employers and employees throughout the whole year.
At THSP we work with you to build a better workplace culture to ensure everyone gets home safely.
Call us on 03456 122 144 to discuss any health and safety matter at your workplace.