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Science & Technology

Science & Technology

Our tech customers range from an international space agency to small telecoms companies, and everything in between. We also work with theatrical companies, so if lighting and stage movement is your game, we have consultants with experience in your arena.

We provide assistance with the management of health and safety on your premises and your general activities. No matter how out of this world your business might be, it is still grounded in good health and safety on your premises.

Irrespective of your industry, people are people. Our HR consultants support businesses of all sizes and types in managing the day-to-day requirements and issues arising from staff matters. Whether it’s advice you want, or just a great HR system to keep your records and communicate with your staff, we tailor our services to your needs.


Brilliant and invaluable

Can I just say a thank you to THSP for everything they are doing. The help has been brilliant and the updates invaluable. Thank you and I hope you all keep safe.

Sue Westwood

Company Secretary, Edburton Contractors Ltd


Uncomplicated, easy to use and bespoke

Having used clunky and time-consuming spreadsheets for a long time, I’ve found THSP’s Training Matrix uncomplicated, very simple to manage, and bespoke to our individual needs.

Matt Hollister

HSEQ Manager, AQ Construction Services Ltd


When we use the Risk Assessment Builder... is up-to-date and covers more risks, rather than the historic generic ones


Combustion Ltd