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Apprenticeships are the answer to a long-term skills shortage

Apprenticeships are an effective method of recruiting and training which can be very beneficial for both apprentice and employer. This is because the training of an apprentice can be adapted to the specific needs of your business, helping to promote productivity and upskilled teams.

Apprentices are largely motivated and driven to learn new skills and upkeep the ethos of a company. This positively impacts your business as your workforce expands and upskills.

The duration of apprenticeships can range from a few months to over four years depending on the industry and qualification pathway. You then have an option to enter into a full employment relationship safe in the knowledge that you know the calibre of the person you are employing.

Recent research found that 86% of employers said apprenticeships helped them develop skills relevant to their organisation, and 74% said it helped improve the quality of their product or service.

In the long-term, having well-trained and highly skilled staff adds value to a business. Creating a workforce where the right people are equipped with the right skills will help build the team needed to meet set business goals.

Here are the key benefits that apprenticeships can provide for an employer:

Upskill your teams

Apprenticeships are a great method for upskilling in areas needed in your business. By training future talent, you can address skills shortages as well as develop careers across important parts of your business.

Helping to fix your skills shortages with apprentices applying their skills to where it’s needed most in the businesses is a win-win situation for both the employer and apprentice.

The positives of diversification

Diversity is vital to the growth of any organisation. Apprenticeships help boost social mobility, with 33% of employers saying apprenticeships helped improve diversity within their business. Employing people from diverse backgrounds opens up opportunities due to gaining a new talent pool.

Apprenticeships are a great way to onboard a range of workers which can then enrich your business. Fostering new ideas and perspectives into a work culture will help contribute to a more positive and successful workforce.

Improve staff retention

Many apprentices often decide to remain within the business as full-time members of staff once they have finished their training. As apprentices are being invested in, they are encouraged to view their role as a career and as a valuable part of the company.

According to the recent National Apprenticeship Service’s guide, 69% of employers have reported that employing apprentices improved staff retention, and 65% of apprentices stay working for the company that they completed their apprenticeship for. Therefore, apprenticeships are an effective way of creating members of staff that remain loyal and committed to your business in the long term.

Save on recruitment time and costs

Apprentices are a cost-effective way to recruit within a business. This is because recruiting new staff can be expensive and come at a risk. Research by Glassdoor has found that the average employer spends around £3,000 and 27.5 days to hire a new worker. Apprenticeships can be a great route to save on recruitment fees, as most recruitment processes come at a far lower cost.

By up-skilling existing staff you will ensure that your business hires the right worker needed without the costs of recruiting a new member of staff.

Building apprenticeship programmes within your business will not only help apprentices start and develop a career, you are also making a strong business decision which will result in many benefits for your company.

If an apprenticeship is something that your business is considering but you need help with making decisions, then book a call with our HR and Employment Law team who will support you.